

Friday, October 19, 2012


Last night, after making some painting of signs, I started working on another oil painting. This time, I wanted to try some "seascape"....I always have the love of ocean, everytime I go see the ocean, those big waves scares me, at the same time, it memorialize me. I see how powerful God is, how beautiful God is...I wanted to capture that.

I found this amazing seascape artist, Ruo Li, who inspired me to try to paint ocean,

It looks really realistic at first, but there are some parts that he actually stylize it, make the each waves nice shapes. I am not sure if he works from photo or real life...I wish I can do this...

I don't really have any experience doing landscape, and I have no knowledge of that. But I wanted to try, all I need is more practice, right?

So here is what I did,
"wave" 8x10 oil on canvas
OH, it looks terrible....why my color so bright....? The waves are so hard to paint.....

So now, I have this great challenge, all I can do is to get better from here....


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